Discerning Parental Advice: A short guide
There are so many people on the internet giving parental advice, including “experts” in child psychology. It’s amazing! Yet, I have found a trove of bad advice that is not helpful and in fact, can keep you from the goal of having happy and content children… and definitely keep the goal of “no more struggling” from your reach!
So, here’s a quick guide to discern what good advice and bad advice looks like.
If the advice is bad, it does the following:
It puts the child in charge
It avoids the problem
It treats the problem as unimportant
It puts feelings above truths
It allows the continuation of bad behavior
It doesn’t address the future
It distracts rather than addresses the issue
If advice is good, it does the following:
It makes clear you are in charge
It addresses the problem
It treats the problem as important
It puts truths ahead of feelings
It stops the bad behavior
It addresses the future
It doesn’t distract from the issue
For more on this, listen to The Mommy Answer Lady podcast called “How To Discern Parental Advice”.